Inspired by Becky and Caroline, I am going to work hard at learning the real names of plants in my old and new gardens! After doing a little sleuthing, I think the tall, nearly blindlingly yellow plant in our garden, a pass-along from Jan, is in the Primrose family: Oenothera pilosella. Not totally sure about this, but it sure bears a strong resemblance! It is certainly categorized as a weed, particularly in this NYT article, but I've never had any trouble controlling its growth.
- The salvia that looks like fireworks in the mid-summer is Salvia greggi "Flame"
- the groundcover Spreading Clubmoss is Selaginella kraussiana "Aurea"
- the low-growing sedum with the little yellow flowers is Sedum sexangulare "Watch Chain"
- Deutzia gracilis "Nikko"
- Allium giganticus (pictured below in the Cotswolds with John, Kurt and the Laburnum)